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Consent Form

Essential Thrive Tribe Coaching Agreement

This agreement is between: Nancy Stubbs (Coach) of the Healing Your Inner Child Program, and you whereby the Coach agrees to provide Coaching Services.

Description of Services

Essential Thrive Tribe shall provide Client with the following coaching services:

a) Access via email once weekly

b) 60-90 minute recorded group coaching via zoom once weekly 

c) Weekly assignment


This agreement is valid as of 1/05/2025 through 1/31/2025.

Client is responsible for payment in full of the applicable fee. To ensure Client commitment and participation in the Services, should Client terminate this Agreement prior to the end of the Term, Client is responsible for payment in full of the applicable fee.

Medical Treatment

Client understands and agrees that Wellness Coach provides mental and emotional wellness information and advice. Client understands that Wellness Coach does not provide medical advice nor can prescribe medical treatment. Client understands that Client must seek medical advice from Client’s physician or medical provider. Client understands that it is Client’s responsibility to discuss all changes to Client’s diet or potential dietary supplement use with Client’s medical provider prior to making any changes.


Client acknowledges that Essential Thrive Tribe’s services do not constitute counseling services and are not a substitute for professional counseling or medical advice and results will vary Client to Client. Client understands and acknowledges that the coaching process is dependent upon Client’s own ability to implement his/her choices. It is expressly

understood by Client that this Agreement does not establish an employee/employer or independent contractor or any other form of agency/agent relationships between parties.


The failure of Essential Thrive Tribe to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of Essential Thrive Tribe’s right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Agreement.

Applicable Law

This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Colorado, without giving effect to any conflicts of laws provisions.


The provisions of this Agreement shall be enforceable notwithstanding the existence of any claim or cause of action against Essential Thrive Tribe by Client whether based on this Agreement or otherwise.

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